Windows 7 screencaps

Windows 7 screencaps

As I mentioned before, here are some screencaps of my desktop running on awesome Windows 7. I censored any names and conversations. Mwaha.
/insert tiny SCs (If you want to see it full-sized just click on the images)

A red themed desktop; matched my y!m to compliment it too. :3
My wallpaper changes every 30 minutes.

Here’s me putting the screen cap on MS Paint.
(Whoah, is that really Paint?! Of course it is.)

You can do this by holding the Windows key+ TAB.

Kinda reminds me of the album selection feature on the iPod.

As you can see, I have a Blogger Buddy (gadget) for easy posting.
It’s really cool (but I don’t really use it). Post-its FTW!

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