New hair: curly mode.

New hair: curly mode.

Yup2, my usually straight boring hair is now permy!

Was really just gonna get a haircut… I wanted something that would give volume to my flat hair so I asked the stylist what he thought. He recommended giving me wavy hair. Sooo there you have it! I clip it up when I’m in school though. I think I look unecessarily too girly when it’s down. U_U

Regards other things, I’m so busy!!! I can’t really understand why coz it’s after midterms and all. But I feel like I have piles of stuff to do! I hope I get to finish most of them by the end of this week.

I’m like the last to upload my pictures from this shoot. XD So here’s a few pictures of the pretty Karina to close my entry.

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