Minugbo: A Forum on Contemporary Visual Media
This was the poster for the film and photography seminar I attended as a speaker at the CAFA Theatre of my Alma Mater, The University of San Carlos, earlier in the year.
This was the poster for the film and photography seminar I attended as a speaker at the CAFA Theatre of my Alma Mater, The University of San Carlos, earlier in the year.
Before I start my entry, I’d like to open it up with… A big WOOOOHOOOOO! I have finally graduated from university,fulfilling the daughterly obligation to earn a decent degree in preparation for adult life ahead.
(L-R) Jackie Ting, Jon Lim, Arianne Fajardo, Aldrin Fajardo, Karina Gajudo, Ricky Elizalde, Ayana Jimenez, Nile Go and Marianne Borces. Okay super super super old news and I’m totally sorry to the guys at Ink’d Tees!
Mob of people but still missing a few. Photo by Lyka Alfafara. This is gonna be a personal post just for my remembrance.
For the fun of it (and since it’s all over and I’M over it), here’s our movie poster for our IT168 finals project:
Hello whole week of no formal class! I started it off with my good friend, Janine’s, photoshoot for their billboard. They own the mall near the University of San Carlos Main Campus in Colon.
^Hmmmmmmmmm. ….. While the debate within myself is going on, I was thinking I’d share a few of my favorite random pictures (not from photoshoots) with you.