Before It Dies.
I’ve spent the last weeks in deep thought while cherishing every simple instance. Living in the moment but hypocritically thinking about the future.
I’ve spent the last weeks in deep thought while cherishing every simple instance. Living in the moment but hypocritically thinking about the future.
Before I start my entry, I’d like to open it up with… A big WOOOOHOOOOO! I have finally graduated from university,fulfilling the daughterly obligation to earn a decent degree in preparation for adult life ahead.
I really don’t know what’s up with PLDT now but it’s really wasting so much of my time. I can’t do anything online-related properly;
I was really happy that I was able to come home early today since I’ve stopped going to the office already.
A charming necklace~ This is actually old news but I’d just like to share this to you guys because I know everyone loves winning free stuff!!
Last week was my grandfather’s death anniversary and it was sort of an All Soul’s Day in China (as my relatives said) so we decided to go visit them.
Mob of people but still missing a few. Photo by Lyka Alfafara. This is gonna be a personal post just for my remembrance.
One, two, three — say, BEACH! Last week was the most times I’ve been to the beach/pool ever! First we went to Pandanon Island with my high school buds plus new friends from Manila and two of our colleagues.