Before It Dies.

I’ve spent the last weeks in deep thought while cherishing every simple instance. Living in the moment but hypocritically thinking about the future.

College Graduation 2011.

Before I start my entry, I’d like to open it up with… A big WOOOOHOOOOO! I have finally graduated from university,fulfilling the daughterly obligation to earn a decent degree in preparation for adult life ahead.


Before the new year comes to welcome me, I’d like to be able to look back at 2010 wholly and round up everything significant that has happened.

Rest came.

I was really happy that I was able to come home early today since I’ve stopped going to the office already.


I will develop this ritual of writing an entry every year to commemorate the events and feelings during my birthday. Reading my entry last year, I think nothing much has changed within me.

Beaching in the Summer with Friends

One, two, three — say, BEACH! Last week was the most times I’ve been to the beach/pool ever! First we went to Pandanon Island with my high school buds plus new friends from Manila and two of our colleagues.