
Woke up today feeling like its just another day. Folded my blanket, sat on the bed and stared into space. I had to remind myself that today was different.

Before It Dies.

I’ve spent the last weeks in deep thought while cherishing every simple instance. Living in the moment but hypocritically thinking about the future.

College Graduation 2011.

Before I start my entry, I’d like to open it up with… A big WOOOOHOOOOO! I have finally graduated from university,fulfilling the daughterly obligation to earn a decent degree in preparation for adult life ahead.

Quotes + Riz.

Happy Father’s day! I don’t really know if this photo can relate to my caption, but I think the bigger teddy exudes the aura that fathers are supposed to give.


With Mich Uy; stylist of Fragile Geisha shoot and my childhood friend.I used to visit her house and play the Playstation, eat microwaved egg and do all sorts of things when we were younger.