Literal Introspect. model: Rizbelle Blanch Ostrea MUA/stylist/concept/PP/photos/direction: me (Anne Uy) lighting master: John Borgashoot with Mara Mejos To start off, somebody asked me about the make-up I did on Riz so I’ll talk about that.
Literal Introspect. model: Rizbelle Blanch Ostrea MUA/stylist/concept/PP/photos/direction: me (Anne Uy) lighting master: John Borgashoot with Mara Mejos To start off, somebody asked me about the make-up I did on Riz so I’ll talk about that.
Happy Father’s day! I don’t really know if this photo can relate to my caption, but I think the bigger teddy exudes the aura that fathers are supposed to give.