Something Beautiful + College life

Something Beautiful + College life

My aunt just came back from Singapore and guess what she got me!!

Zhang Jingna’s photobook.

Something Beautiful.

I didn’t really expect her to be able to find it for me so I tried not to get my hopes up when she arrived home. But the moment she mentioned to me that she was able to get it, my heart literally skipped a beat!! I’ve been waiting to get one for ages and now it’s finally within my reach.

Oh, how beautiful life is when something you’ve waited so patiently for comes unexpectedly~

And yes, those are my real glasses. My astigmatism is getting better but I’m starting to get a higher grade on both my eyes.

I envy my cousin for getting the Lasik treatment just last month. Her eyes will be perfect forevah no matter how much she’s gonna abuse them. Not saying I abuse mine though. But it’d be great to be able to read for hours on end without getting that burning sensation in my eyes.

Anyway, enough about eyes! I’m piling up so much work lately. I know I should seriously start getting the drive to work on them asap but I can’t help it if I want to prioritize my college degree first eventhough I find myself lost in 0s and 1s, circuit combination, de Morgan’s law, ANSI C & Java… Lately I’ve been dreaming about being in a world immersed in colors, John William Waterhouse, the Pre-Raphaelites and the Golden ratio.

But I’ll be patient, being an Information Technology student is kinda cool in essence. I know. I’m probably just a geek at heart / artist craving for self-expression… There are too many things I want to be! Or rather too many things I can do, I think.

Trivia: I love eating green apples every chance I get.

P.S. I’m still keen on getting the hardcover / limited edition of Something Beautiful. Heee.

1 Comment

  • Anonymous
    15 years ago

    I'm sure the book is nice. but you're even nicer. nicer looking i mean šŸ™‚

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