Happy Father’s day!
I don’t really know if this photo can relate to my caption, but I think the bigger teddy exudes the aura that fathers are supposed to give. Big, strong, wise, leading and someone you can lean on (or in this case, sit on!)
I’ll make this a simple post. Here are some of the quotes I’ve come across that I have not forgotten.
For a relationship to truly last,
one must always keep on extending patience, understanding and most importantly forgiveness…
Or else it’ll always end.
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.Watch your words, for they become actions.Watch your actions, for they become habits.Watch your habits, for they become character.Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
Everything will be alright in the end, if it’s not alright it’s not yet the end.
These are some photos from a recent shoot I had with Rizbelle. She’s such a beauty and even more so in person! My concept for this shoot was an inspiration from John William Waterhouse’s painting of Boreas.
Boreas (1902; oil on canvas) by John William Waterhouse.
I absolutely love this painting! I even had it printed by a photo studio and kept it near the window shield. The movement is so beautiful and the expression on the girl gives much mystery as to what she’s feeling at that moment.
Once again I did the make-up and styling. This dress was something I got from Bangkok last year. Was supposed to sell it but decided to just keep it for future purposes. This is the first time I’ve let a model use it but I’ll probably recycle this over and over… lol. Just a simple earthy dress matched with turquoise cloth I bought just for this shoot. I tried to complement the color of the cloth with Riz’s features.
The Girl Who Played With Fire.
Belle I.
More about this shoot in another entry. Just a sneak peak for everyone. 🙂