Literal Introspect.
MUA/stylist/concept/PP/photos/direction: me (Anne Uy)
lighting master:
John Borgashoot with
Mara Mejos
To start off, somebody asked me about the make-up I did on Riz so I’ll talk about that. Actually, her friend was supposed to do her make-up but canceled on the last minute because something suddenly came up. (Too bad! I was really looking forward to another make-up artist coming in. I really like the idea of collaboration.)
Anyway, here’s a little something I drew for her so she could visualize what I wanted for the shoot.
Gold to turquoise eye make-up in theory.
Applied in real life! (The turquoise looks green because of the yellow lighting)
So do I pass? =D
I’ve never attended make-up classes or anything, but my knowledge in basic drawing and painting skills has always helped me in a lot of aspects and unsurprisingly, that applies to the art of make-up! I have a lot of make-up stuff but I only use them for big events or parties (like twice or thrice a year. lol). Most of it I buy only for my models or for shoots. I treat my make-up stuff like my art stuff! It’s a lot of fun actually.
Click the picture to zoom if needed. Photo by John Borga.
So here’s the list of the make-up used in this shoot:
Eyebrows: Beauty Bar taupe eyebrow pencil (Riz’s own)
Foundation: The Face Shop foundation with SPF 15 (I’m not sure if she used it here. Just took this from her formspring)
Eyes: The Body Shops Shimmer Squares in velvet browns, Suily #2, Maybelline waterproof expert eyeliner
Lips: The Face Shop Color-full Lip Pallete #1
Cheeks: Penshoppe Bronzer
And The Body Shop shimmer powder all over face.
So that’s about it. The make-up’s really simple compared to my other shoots.
The main concept of this shoot kept changing and changing as we kept postponing the date. It took a while before we could find a good time when both of us were free. Until then, I went around and bought some tule and turquoise cloth that I thought of using for my concept.
As I’ve said in another entry, this shoot was inspired by John Willian Waterhouse’s painting of Boreas from Greek Mythology.
Most of the shots were taken in my aunt’s room. I chose it for the big windows on one side and the floral wallpaper.
My guess would be she’s politely laughing at John making some corny joke.
It would probably be a bit funny to look at our set-up from another point of view because we were three photographers fumbling to get that angle without obscuring another’s–climbing on chairs and going through obstacles. Haha! It was full of laughs and another experience for me dealing with a new model.
Eventually, we took it outside but I didn’t want her to stay out for a long time cause of the scorching heat. I fear damaging her perfect skin. :))
Sun dance.
With the flowers in my terrace.
Mara bought mojos and pizza from Shakey’s for snacks. I told her to ask around what Riz’s favorite food are from any of her friends. I think we shot for around 3 hours and a half excluding make-up and styling time.
We didn’t really strobe so much for this shoot but this is one shot with it.
It’s not obvious but we used the same green bounce card from the
slumber party shoot. Aside from that, it’s all manual aperture and shutter speed with natural light.
In a blink of an eye.
I’d like to thank Rizbelle, John and Mara for the time and fun! Especially to Rizbelle who was a pleasure to shoot. š
To close this entry, I’d like to congratulate Fretzie Bercede and everyone who supported her. She placed third in this year’s teen edition of Pinoy Big Brother!
these are amazing photos Anne!:) love them. And the make-up you did looks really good! Galeng:)
2 thumbs up!