Rotary Club: Candulawan Medical Mission
Rotary Club: Candulawan Medical Mission
Hello pretty little girl eating Skyflakes biscuits
On the first of December I woke up early to take photos for the Rotary Club International (as a favor to my boyfriend’s mum whose heart belongs to these kinds of activities). We went up to Candulawan greeted by colorful flags and many people, mostly little ones. It’s not my first time to something like this as CWTS has also given me similar opportunistic experiences. This time it is a breath of fresh air that this barangay in the south is well taken care of, particularly, in comparison to others. Private sectors such as the Rotary Club give generously without receiving anything in return, something our high government should have done since the beginning of its conception. The citizens themselves have to pick up and continue the job to sustain each other, while corruption seems to be an incurable long-sustained pandemic genetically and hopelessly ingrained into Filipino culture.
a little hand and a thankful smile
for rice porridge
lady soldiers
being careful
government vehicle
best buddies
queuing for blood pressure
young and wild
first time in a long time to see clearly again
holding prescription glasses, finally
waiting for
lining up for medicine. fritz is there beside the door waiting for me, watching the feet of the diabetic man dying and decaying alive. he holds his stick tight.
a little boy making sure to eat every bit of rice porridge
leaning on his world, his mama
saying hello
rotary members dancing with the children
a woman diagnosed with internal bleeding
until now I’m not sure what was wrong with this little girl’s skin
innocent eyes and quite scared of new things so he holds his mama and brother
i did not know governors had their own calendar
going around and making sure there are no problems
Singaporean delegation giving out Dunkin’ Donuts. She was smiling the whole time
the woman diagnosed with internal bleeding needed to be sent to the hospital, with a younger girl and baby in tow
a lady soldier comes out of the comfort room inside the classroom and uses the pail of water to flush the toilet
little girl staying inside a classroom
math at public schools
growing up
Christmas lanterns decorated in the classroom, welcoming the festive season
Tis the season to count blessings, be thankful and give munificently! If you’ve learned something new or insightful this particular month, I’d like to hear about it if you wish to share below. Only a few more hours until Christmas, world. God bless us all~