Sunset Photography Tips

Sunset Photography Tips

Bantayan Island Sunset

Photographs of sunsets make up some of the most spectacular images around. The beauty of sunsets never fade and is appreciated across all facets of humanity, captured by DSLRS, iPhones, DigiCams, film cameras–it is a staple of the average nature lover. However, they can also be rather difficult to capture adequately, getting the lighting and the proportions just right. So here are a few tips to follow for photographers who want to capture that magical moment when the sun is going down for the night and the light is too beautiful, you just want to capture it for forever’s keeps.

Plan ahead: The first and most important thing to do before you set off on a sunset shoot, is to find out what time it will actually happen at. You don’t want to miss that perfect moment when the light is at its most vibrant and likewise, you don’t want to be waiting around for hours in the cold. If you find out the right time, then you can stay in the warmth of your home, playing on until it is time to leave. You should also have previously decided on a good spot to take the photographs from, so that you have a clear view of the horizon and can get your equipment set up in time.

Use different focal lengths: Once you are in position and the light is right, try shooting with different focal lengths. Wide angle shots will allow you to capture an image of the sweeping landscape, showing how the sunset lights up the whole area. However, if you want to focus more on the sun itself, then you will need to zoom in for a narrower shot. I love using my Canon 10-22mm UWA lens for sky and architecture shots (plus wacky distorted alien face shots).

Framing objects and focal points: These can greatly enhance the interest that your photographs possess. Sunsets are a great opportunity to capture spectacular silhouettes in front of it such as the looming, dark form of a tree or a person of interest. You can also frame the image with mountains or hills, creating a pleasing image that will look very professional.

Have fun: In my opinion, it is lovely to take a simple wonderful photo of a sunset. But because I like to be artsy fartsy, I have fun doing composites on it to make for a more interesting and unique photo. The two images you see above are both composites of the same scene but taken from different exposures and angles. Surreal sky shots may not be for everyone, but anyone can surely give it a go.

 Sometimes, I prefer the more peaceful less flamboyant blue setting sun though.

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  • aneh
    12 years ago

    thanks Anne! 🙂

    • 12 years ago

      Haha! Glad it helped you Annie 😉

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