Carnival of Souls + mIRC people.

Carnival of Souls + mIRC people.

Carnival of Souls + mIRC people.

Be afraid, be very afraid.

Yesterday Paul Gotiong invited me to go with him and Darlene Mijares to the media opening for ParkMall’s horror booth. He said I could bring a friend so I invited my good friend Chippy who also happens to be a blogger. However, I think we’d find each other the last person to bring to a horror house as we’re both big cowards… lol.

There’s actually a guard in front of the entrance who makes sure people get in when it’s their turn.
I remember Chip and I laughing at a group of boys (aged 14-15) who made so much of a fuss being all too scared to get in. I think it took 5 minutes for the guard to successfully PUSH them in and LOCK the door. It was so funny!

Usual warnings.
People who have heart problems, pregnant women and children under 7 aren’t allowed inside the horror booth.

When you’re done paying and registering, this ghoul shows you the way in….

Chippy trying to act all calm and cool.
She kept chanting, “This isn’t real! This isn’t real!”… which actually helps.

After several minutes of relieving tension and laughing at people’s reactions, it was our turn. It was pitch dark when we went in!!

I mean honestly, you know it’s fake and all but you still can’t help but feel scared! I guess it’s a mix of scaring yourself with your own imagination plus the actual environment of not knowing what’s about to jump at you in the dark. Subconsciously, we were all holding on to each other every step of the way… Haha!

Us bloggers could take photos inside but I chose not to so that you guys would have NO IDEA what you’d get yourselves into. *you’re welcome~*

The sound system is really loud inside so if the dark doesn’t scare you, there’s still the noises that’ll startle you silly. Chip and I had our own techniques of beating the fear. Hers was constantly reminding herself, “This is FAKE this is FAKE this is FAKE” while mine was shouting random things so as to deafen the silence.

But there’s one thing you guys will not experience that we did–and that’s technical difficulty! Lucky for us, for some weird reason the lights all lit up halfway during the journey, so I immediately scanned the vicinity and memorized probable places for ghost ambush! Consequently when the lights all went down again, I was able to anticipate where a ghost would be so I wasn’t as scared anymore. /yay

It was quite a long maze. Overall it’s actually good stuff to do in relation to Halloween coming up. I think this booth will stay til then. It’s a definite check-out if you want some good cheap fun with friends.

We survived the horror booth!

I went to Mark’s house after this coz Cymmie and Gandi invited me to a small shoot. I’ve known both Cym and Gandi from mIRC chat way back in high school and it was cool to finally meet them in person yesterday. We talked a bit, ate some snacks then Gandi and I shot Cymmie and Arianne for a while.

Cymbelline Ong

Arianne Fajardo


  • 14 years ago

    we were about to go to that booth with my friends last night but decided against in instead. haha

  • 14 years ago

    You should go!!! It's fun! Hahaha

  • James
    14 years ago

    That horror booth looks fun ^_^ Are the people allowed to enter the booth even if they're wearing halloween costumes? (Scare the ones who are supposed to scare you) hehehe XD

  • 14 years ago

    Hi there gorgeous…I am a new follower of your site… are so pretty in your photos and very talented in such a young age…

    I am so proud to know that you are from Cebu as well…

    Kisses darling!!! keep up the talent and the good work!

    I miss parkmall…and i cannot believe that they have loads of great stuff happening in Cebu…why oh why? now!!!


  • 14 years ago

    !i hope its still there till November 5th! so i could try that booth 😀

    thats interesting! 🙂

    ohh beautiful photos!

    ps: im a new follower.

  • 14 years ago

    James, uhh I think you can. If you're really that game. Haha

    Sweet, thank youuu very much 🙂 Haha yeah Cebu's perking up a little each and every year!

    Miss s, Hmm.. I'm not sure but I think its only there til Oct 31st? Tho I'm not entirely sure.. Well hopefully it'll extend for you.. :)) Thank you! 🙂

  • Anonymous
    14 years ago

    the grl in the last photo is vry pretty

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